Monday, October 5, 2015

Cravings? Binging? Sometimes it's Not a Mental Problem!

Cravings? Binging?

Sometimes it's Not a Mental Condition







         First, my binge disorder... 

When I was binging sugary carbs, I thought I was an emotional eater. 
Every diet/health book I read, they told me if you binge, you are mostly likely
an emotional eater.
However, I was always happy, I never really was sad until I binged.
My sadness came after I ate, felt like sugar crash (which it was).
 Whether I was sad or not, I craved sweet carbs.
I mean CRAVED it.
Most of the time, I lost my self and let myself roll down the hill.
Running to the bakery to buy the whole bread they had.
Literally I could not help myself but to buy everything I saw.
It didn't matter what kind, I just wanted and desperately needed it in me.
Funny thing was that when I was devouring it,
my body gave out a sign wanting more and more.
My stomach made room for it till I couldn't sit down.


Sounds horrible and mindless doesn't it?
I felt as if I was mentally damaged.
My body was craving it more and more the more I ate.


    My diet fails...

I tried a lot of different ways to cure my body and my mind.
I exercised, fed myself as much healthy food I wanted.
I tried raw till 4 ( high carb low fat vegan diet) as well as IIFYM (If it fits your macro)
all these diets allowed eating till you were satisfied under standard rules.
I did feed myself during those diets, following everything they told me to do,
but I still craved for my everlasting love "bread" .


  Keto diet come in...

Luckily, starting this year I was trying Ketogenic Diet.
Keto diet is when you consume high fat but low very low carbs.
It is similar to paleo diet but no carbs!
No starchy carbs and no sugar and No Fructose!
After this diet I instantly felt better.
I didn't eat any carbs (bread, pasta, rice, potatoes) as well as fruits or sugary things.
I fixed my daily carb in take to 25g a day (net carb).
My meals were mostly dairy, meat, leafy veggies and oils.
Surprisingly, even with all those fat intakes I lost pounds
and was in a better health and mood!
I thought I finally found a diet regime that fits me.
However, while on my Keto diet, I still craved sweet bread.
Well I just craved carbs.

Finally a cure!

One day, I gave in and indulged my self with a piece of bread
and got awfully sick.
I had to go to the doctors, and their my whole life changed.
I found out that I had a celiac disease and fructose intolerance!
No wonder Keto diet worked for me!
My body didn't tolerate fructose(sugar&fruits) and gluten (flour, barley..)
So with my Keto based diet I added in gluten free carbs like rice
and sweet potatoes.
As a result, I lost 3 kilos in total and still keeping my body in shape.
Now, the funny things is my cravings for sweet bread is absolutely gone!
I still think they are magnificent being, but I don't really want to eat it.
Of course, because I can't and I shouldn't but before
I didn't care how sick I felt afterwards, I still devoured it!
Now I'm on top of my game with the bread!
I no longer get controlled by my cravings.
I'm in control of my meals.
I can simply stop when I'm full,
I can mindfully choose what I eat and be satisfied.
See? my problem was not my feelings.
My binge was coming from getting my body
addicted to foods that I body could not tolerate!
When you feed yourself things that your body can't handle,
your hormone, muscle development and mood dramatically gets affected.
Don't just try to cut out bread because that's what others are doing to loose weight!
See and examine to find out what your body is not handling well,
then cut those food out!


Listen to your body.

p.s I still do crave things here and there but it's not crazy like before!
It comes and goes but in a maintainable manner

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