Friday, September 25, 2015

How do I feel after eating gluten or sugar?

The other day, after film work I decided to treat myself with Pb&jelly sandwich. 

I usually don't get any cravings anymore but because I was really strict with my diet to lose a bit of pounds for filmming, I ended up craving pb&j. Of course, to others it is a healthy snack. Especially if you eat it like I do; no sugar peanut butter and no sugar jelly. 

Unfortunatly, I had all the fillings but not the bread. Did I give up on eating it? Nope! I just took some regular bread abd devoured it. Thought it will be okay because I will be going to bed right away. (I always forget the pain and repeat the same mistake over and iver again... Ugh!) 

When I woke up this morning, I felt hung over. Trust me, you don't have to drink alcohol to feel it. My head was pounding, my stomach was super upset. Yet, being a deligent student, I still went to school but came right back because I couldn't handle it. I directly went to bed feeling sick. 

I hope whenever I feel like endulging again I can read my own post and get it under control.

I think it will be better if I can throw it back up but I just can't and I don't want to force it. 

There is really nothing I can do to ease my pain; sleeping is the only cure.

Well, I hope no one here has worse symptoms, because I heard that my symptoms are nothing compare to others.

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