Monday, November 23, 2015

GF Moist Zucchini Double Chocolate Muffin (Super easy! You can alternate the ingredients!)

Moist Zucchini Double Chocolate Muffin

This muffin is super easy, 
you can alternate ingredients with the one you actually have,

no fuss trying to buy expensive new gluten free ingredients!

Gluten free
Low carb

-1/2 cup Almond Flour 아몬드가루-1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 무설탕 코코아가루-1/4 cup Flax seed meal( or you can use chia seed or other flour substances like oat flour, peanut flour, rice flour just anything!) 플랙시드 (아마씨) 가루 (치아씨드나 다른 밀가루 사용가능)-1/2 cup Buck wheat flour (this also can be substituted with any flour) 메밀가루 (오트밀,통밀가루,그냥 밀가루 등 다른걸로 대체 가능)
-1tbsp 계피가루 Cinnamon-1tsp 넛메그 (생략가능) Nutmeg-1tsp 베이킹파우더와 베이킹소다 Baking powder & Soda( 1tsp each)-3 계란 (미리 풀어주세요) eggs (beaten)-1/2 tsp 소금 salt-1/4 cup 우유 milk-1tbsp 스테비아 stevia (Or just regular white or brown sugar, also if you want take the milk out and add 1/3 cup of honey) (그냥 설탕 1 1/2 cup 대체가능 아니면 우유를 빼고 꿀 1/3 컵)-1 tsp  바닐라 익스트렉 Vanilla extract(생략가능하지만 넣으면 더 굿굿)-1/4 컵 코코넛오일이나 coconut oil 무향 식용유-1 1/2 cup 간 애호박 grated zucchini ( 저는 꿀을 넣지 않아서 애호박을 더 넣었어요, 꿀을 넣으시는 분들은 애호박 1컵만 넣어주세요)-1/2cup chocolate chip (nuts are great too) 초콜렛 칩 (견과류를 넣어도 좋을 것 같아요!)

As you can see you can alternate the types of flour you wish to use, if you are not gluten free or paleo person then you can just use white flour for all! 

You can also choose the kinds of sweetener you want to use! This is why this is super lovely and convenient recipe, of course the flavor and texture may differ by the ingredients but all will work lovely!

preheat the oven to 350 degrees

1. mix all the dry ingredients except for the chocolate chip and zucchini
2. on another bowl mix your egg with sweetener then also add in vanilla and milk
3. pour your dry to wet 
4. add in zucchini and chocolate chip
5. pour it in muffin tin
6. bake them for 30 mins
7. cool it for 10 mins then enjoy!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Gluten & Sugar Free Carrot Cake

Gluten & Sugar Free Carrot Cake


1 1/4 cups Shredded Carrots 당근 간 것
3 Eggs 달걀
1 1/4 cup of almond meal 아몬드밀
1/4 cup of coconut meal 코코넛가루 (아몬드나 다른 밀가루로 대체가능)
1/2tsp baking powder 베이킹파우더
1/2tsp baking soda 베이킹소다
4-5packets of stevia (or 3/4 cup brown sugar) 스테비아나 흑설탕
1tsp of cinnamon 계피
1/8tsp nutmeg 넛메그 (생략가능)
1/4tsp salt 소금
1 1/2 tsp vanilla 바닐라
2tbsp of coconut oil 코코넛오일 이나 다른 오일
1/2 cup plain yogurt 플레인 요거트
handful of walnuts 호두한줌


Cream cheese 크림치즈
plain yogurt 요거트
stevia  스테비아나 아이싱슈거

영상으로 확인 클릭!

머핀  6개
6 Muffins

1. Preheat your oven to 350/170 and line your muffin tin

2. In a mixing bowl, stir almond flour, coconut flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt until well combined. 

3.In another bowl, beat eggs, coconut oil, vanilla extract, plain yogurt and sugar  until it is well incorporated.

4.stir in dry to wet ingredients

5.add in grated carrots and walnuts (leave some for decorations)

6.pour them in to muffin tin and bake for 30mins (toothpick test!)


Add Cream cheese and to your liking add plain yogurt 
to make it a bit lighter!
if you like it thick then add accordingly.

mix it well with stevia or powder sugar!

1. 170도로 예열하고 머핀틴은 유산지나 머핀용지를 깔아준다

2. 아몬드밀, 코코넛 가루, 베이킹 소다, 베이킹 파우더, 계피, 넛메그와 소금을 넣고 잘 섞어준다

3. 다른 용기에 계란을 풀어주고 코코넛 오일 바닐라 플레인 요거트와 설탕을 넣고
잘섞일때까지 섞어준다

4. 2번을 3번에 섞어준다

5. 당근과 호두를 넣어준다 (호두는 조금 남겨서 데코용으로 사용)

6. 머핀틀에 부어주고 30분동안 구워준다


크림치즈에 원하는 농도가 나올때까지 플레인요거트를 넣어주고
스티비아나 파우더슈거로 단맛을 낸다!

Free Weight loss journal!

Weight Loss Health Journal!

Hi guys! I'm really happy to bring something helpful today.
I made my own health journal today and thought it will be a great idea to share it with all of you who need it. 

I really hope it helps you to stay motivated.
I personally will use this during my winter vacation
to gain more muscle and gain back my fitness!

so let me give you a brief run down on my journal.

                                           Well this is the first page obviously, Nothing special just simple cover.

Now, this is your "Goal" section.
It is always good to set a detail and specific goal before you start something.

For example, I wrote down

1. Slits  ( I really want to do splits!)
2. Eat healthy and don't starve your body
3. Exercise but do not over do it
4. Define abs
5. When it's a rest day REST!
6. 2 Liters of water

You get the Idea right?

I didn't set any goal weight because I don't have one. What looks good is what I will keep as my body weight; it's always better to use your eyes and measurements than weight yourself everyday.

Second page is an exercise planner,
I will be doing weights so on Monday and Thursday I will do my legs...
and I will list the exercise routine I will do.

Last page is your meal plan. you can print as many as you want  and make a book out of it! 

so B is for breakfast L for lunch and D for dinner. Next, you have a spot for
your snacks and circles for every glass (250ml) of water so if you check everything off
you had 2liters of water! YAY!

On the last spot you can write down exercises you did on that day
and may be some more notes on how you feel, what you did good or
any improvements you've made!

Hope you guys like what I made! 

Use it wisely!