Tuesday, September 29, 2015



Today I invited my friends over again to hangout at my place.
I love baking and cooking so almost weakly, 
I invite them over for lunch.

After spending 5 days of Korean thanksgiving break,
I knew my friends were done with greasy food.

One of my friend requested something light and healthy. 

While trying to figure out what I to make,
I head over to my kitchen and realized I had to
use sweet potatoes my mom gave me while I was at her place.

My mom lives in city called Kong-ju and 
this place is famous for good quality
chestnuts and sweet potatoes. 

Right away I knew no gluten and sugar pie 
will be great for my friends. 

I usually put at least a cup of sugar in my recipe 
when baking it for other and not myself.

However, this time because my friends are
watching their weight after the holiday so no sugar was
perfectly fine.

I like it without sugar anyways!

If your sweet potatoes are sweet enough
there is no need of putting in sugar.


(for mini pies like mine half the ingredients for everything , 
if baking in a regular pie/tart pan go with the ingredients listed)

Pie Crust

1 cup of oat flour (just grind the oats)
1 cup of almond flour (you can grind up roasted almonds)
4 tbsp of room temp butter (or coconut oil)
2tbsp maple syrup (or honey or more coconut oil)
1/8 tsp salt


250g sweet potato
1/2 cup of butter (coconut oil)
1/2 cup milk
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp of nutmeg & cinnamon
1tsp of vanilla extract


  1. Preheat your oven to 350F/175C 
  2. Mix butter and honey with salt
  3. Add in oat flour
  4. Add almond flour
  5. mix well until combined thoroughly
  6. make them into a ball using clean hands
  7. mold them in to the pie/tart pan
  8. put the pie crust in the fridge 
  9. for the filling, prepare the sweet potato by peeling the skin off
  10. smash them with a fork
  11. add melted butter
  12. then add in salt and milk
  13. whisk them well with an electric mixer
  14. then add egg/eggs whisk them again till well combined
  15. pour the mixture in to the pie crust
  16. fill them up all the way 
  17. bake them for 20-25 mins till the toothpick comes out clear 

They were still perfectly delightful and sweet without any added sugar!

Also check out my oven baked gluten free panne recipe!

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